Sunday, November 29, 2015

Profiling for IT Architects

IT Architecture is a very broad field which encompasses a wide range of skills, and no assignment is ever exactly the same. It is challenging to know exactly which type of IT Architecture skills are needed for any given assignment or role, and difficult to determine if an individual possesses the right mix of IT Architecture skills. This is an issue for organizations who employ their own architects or purchase architecture services. These organizations will want to be sure that the architects they select for their assignments are the best fit. and at the same time they need to be able to describe the skills a potential architect needs to successfully carry out the assignment.

From an individual IT Architect perspective it is also important to be able to describe experience and skills in order to ensure that the individual's capabilities meet the requirements of potential assignments. In this respect measuring skills is an important factor in career development so that the individual can understand which skills they need to strengthen in line with the type of architect they want to be.

Certification and Profiling

A popular method which is used in an attempt to solve this issue is to provide certification programs as a proof of knowledge and experience. There are many certification programs which are relevant to the field of IT Architecture and they cover a wide range of skills. Some certifications may be directed towards specific technologies, and some perhaps directed to towards softer skills such as leadership and management. Many certifications are heavily based on theoretical knowledge and can be gained after a short period of training. While theoretical knowledge based certification gives a certain level of assurance in skills, it perhaps lacks the assurance that comes from many years working with IT architecture assignments. There are certification programs which not only require the candidate to have the appropriate theoretical knowledge but also to have practical experience in the field. This gives a stronger assurance of skills but often requires a substantial amount of effort from the candidate and can take a substantial number of years to gain the experience required to even enter the certification program.

A complimentary method which can be used for assessment and assurance of skills is profiling. While certification poses the question ”Do you have the appropriate level of skills to gain certification?”, profiling asks ”What level of skills does the individual have?” or ”What kind of skills to we need for the assignment/role?”.  Certification is a more definitive method, the individual is either certified or not certified at the end of the process. Profiling is less definitive as it perhaps addresses a broader set of skills. An exact fit between the desired skill set (Target Profile) and available skill set (Candidate Profile) may be difficult to achieve. Rather than precise or definitive match, profiling looks for a "best fit".

Profiling for IT Architects (PIA)

The following is a early draft of PIA which can be used for profiling individuals, roles or assignments within IT Architecture. This should be regarded as a work in progress but PIA provides a way to easily visualize and compare profiles. The method uses the widely accepted IASA ITABok as a source for IT Architect skills descriptions. In the ITABok skills descriptions are formed into 5 Pillars under which there are a series of Architecture Capabilities. It is these Architecture Capabilities which form the foundation for the IT Architect's skill set. For more information on these skills and their descriptions please refer to the IASAITABok.

PIA uses a Skills Level Matrix which describes skill levels graded from 0-10. This is used to determine the appropriate skill level for each Architecture Capability. Each Architecture Capability is graded in terms of Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Experience. The Skills Level Matrix for both Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Experience is shown below.

To create a profile the PIA Skill Sheet is used. Each architecture capability is filled in with the appropriate skill level using the Skills Level Matrix as a guide. After filling in the PIA Skill Sheet a diagram is automatically generate which shows the profile of the individual according to the 5 IASA Pillars. This diagram can be used to visualize and compare profiles. An example diagram is shown below.

Applying PIA

We can consider two perspectives where the use of profiling can be advantageous, the Sponsor perspective and the Individual perspective. The Sponsor and the Individual have different interests in using profiling and want to achieve different aims.

The Sponsor

The Sponsor is primarily interested in either employing or allocating IT Architects to an assignment or role. Since IT Architecture is a broad field it can be difficult to know what architecture skills are needed for a particular assignment/role and to know if a given individual has an appropriate skill set. 

Creating a Target Profile for an assignment/role can help to communicate the required skill set. Having individuals create Candidate Profiles will allow the Sponsor to compare the Candidate Profiles with the Target Profile and find a ”best fit”. The following steps can be used as a Sponsor.

The Individual

An individual IT Architect needs to be aware of which skill sets need further development and which skills sets are strong. Being aware of this allows the individual to plan their career development as an IT Architect and focus effort on strengthening specific skills. 

Regular profiling can help with career development and even allow the individual to clearly communicate their skills to potential Sponsors for assignments. This can be an important factor where some certification programs require a specific level of practical experience as an entry requirement. It can sometimes take years to gain experience and during that time it can be difficult to express skill levels and gain assurance. Profiling can help the individual in knowing when they have the right level of skills to enter one of the more demanding certification programs. The following steps can be used as an Individual.


Using profiling to assess IT Architecture skills can be used in many ways. It helps provide assurance of an individual's skills and can be used to facilitate the career development of IT Architects. It can also be used to assess which IT Architecture Skills are required for an assignment or role. 
The PIA method provides an early draft of a profile method using IT Architecture skills definitions provided by IASA. This provides a practical method for profiling which can be used by individuals and organizations alike.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Looks like we need an IT Architect! Right?

Imagine a company has been contracted to build a house. The rough requirements of what kind of house is be built are layed out, 5 rooms on two floors with a kitchen and a bathroom. The contractors turn up at the building site and start building, they quickly have the first floor complete with all the walls in place and are soon starting on the second floor. 
The house is finished pretty quickly on time and even on budget and everyone is impressed. However on closer inspection it is noticed that the kitchen is upstairs which is impractical and there is no running water There are also no electrical sockets in any of the walls. Contractor is contacted and asked to make modifications, but the contractor explains that these modifications will cost a rather substantial amount of money as the house is difficult to modify. Since the cost is large another contractor is contacted to see if they can help. However when the other contractor inspects the building they don’t understand how the house has been built as it does not adhere to any known building standards. They make an estimation which is even more costly than the original contractor and even recommend demolishing the house and starting over.

This would clearly be an unacceptable situation when building houses but in terms of IT this scenario is not uncommon. IT systems and IT ecosystems are hugely complex and growing in complexity. By comparison our IT landscapes are more like cities than houses and therefore the importance of good design standards and architectures is higher than ever. 

Most businesses depend on IT as a critical part of thier business infrastructure and operational failure can result in a major loss of revenue. At the same time expectations which are placed on IT continue to grow putting more pressure on IT organizations to make sure that applications and systems don’t just work, but they work and are sustainable. Sustainability is a very important factor, it means that the business can gain the optimum value from investments over a long period of time. Alternatively, poor sustainability leads to perpetual workarounds, re-organizations, re-writes or re-designs which are costly and ultimately affect the competitiveness of the business.

While there is no perfect solution we can reduce business risk and increase sustainability by creating good architectures upon which we can build our strategies, business processes, applications and infrastructure. This is where we turn to the IT Architect for help.   

The IT Architect

The IT Architect is charged with a leading role in developing and maintaining an architecture with the aim of ensuring it is sustainable both in terms of business and technology. Aligning the business and technology aspects of an organisation is important as it will allow the organisation not only to operate effectively but also to quickly adapt to change. 

To address both business and technology IT Architects work in two domains which can be considered separate but at the same time have a strong relation, these domains are the Enterprise and the Solution.The Enterprise focuses on how the business works in terms of strategy, processes, people and applications at a abstract level. The Solution focuses on solving a specific concern within the business and providing technology implementations to address that concern. The IT Architect may work across both these domains or have a focus on one or the other, either way the IT Architect needs to be equipped with a broad range of skills in order to successfully create and maintain good architectures.    

Choosing the right IT Architect

IT Architecture is a broad field and each new initiative comes with its own unique challenges. Each initiative can have many variables, for example, internal and external requirements, business constraints, technical limitations, budget restrictions, deadlines and risks. This makes choosing the right architect difficult but there is some help. As a starting point there are a number of IT architect roles which are commonly use. The following roles which are defined by IASA are a good guideline and widely accepted. A short description of the roles are given below but the full description can be found in "A Study of Architect Roles by IASA Sweden":
  • Enterprise Architect - supports the business in strategy, planning and governing the IT landscape of the enterprise.   
  • Business Architect - designs and maintains the business processes and organization, defines many of the requirements for solutions
  • Solution Architect - designs IT solutions based on the specific requirements of a given business scenario
  • Software Architect - designs the structure and behavior of a software system

The IT Architect can fill a number of these roles and often to different degrees. For example, a good Solution Architect may also be a competent Software Architect.

However, while these roles give a good indicator for the type of IT Architect they perhaps do not give the adequate detail required for IT Architects to know what kind of skill sets to develop or even for a business to know what mix of IT Architecture skills they require within thier organisation.

The IT Architect Skill Set

Each IT Architecture  role requires different degrees of knowledge in a broad range of skills. In addition to this the IT Architecture itself is also likely to place importance on varying skills. This is where it would be very useful to have a comprehensive definition of the skills required by the IT Architect and fortunately IASA provide this in the form of the ITABok  which is used as a basis for the IASA IT Architect certification program. These definitions provide a solid base for IT Architect to evaluate and develop their skills as well as for businesses to understand what is required from an IT Architect. IASA define the skills in five pillars representing the core architecture skills.  These are described fully in the ITABok but a short description is given below:
  • Business Technology Strategy - skills for supporting the business strategy and management
  • IT Environment - skills for governing and maintaining the environment around solutions
  • Design Skills - skills for modeling and analyzing architectures
  • Human Dynamics - leading and managing people, communication skills
  • Quality Attributes -  skills in cross-cutting aspects of the architecture which are often non-functional, for example security or performance

Each of these pillars includes a sub-set of skills which are called capabilities. These capabilities define in further detail the skills an IT Architect should possess.


The world of IT is more widespread, more complex, and more critical to business than ever. The growth of IT continues to accelerate but at the same time sustainability is important. This is why the role of the IT Architect is a key factor in business success.

The IT Architect is a well known role description in the IT business but even although the role has been used for many years we still have difficult in defining what the IT Architect is in terms of responsibilities and skills.  With this in mind we need a clear definition of the IT Architect to help those who wish to become architects understand the skills that are required. At the same time we also need a definition for business so that the role of the IT Architect is understood and can be used effectively. The roles and skills defined by IASA give a good foundation for understanding the role of the IT Architect. This supports the development of skills needed to build good sustainable IT architectures.

The sustainability of IT is already a key factor for business success. The IT Architect has a key role in ensuring that success.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

SQL Data Management with MyBatis

Managing Persistence of Data

The majority of applications work against some sort of data store and in most cases that data store is a database. For many years now it has been standard practice to separate the Data Management (that which manages  persistence of data) from other business logic in our solutions. 
We do this because we do not want to have Business Logic with hard dependencies on the structure of our database, or with dependencies on how we query data from the database. 

Separating Data Management results in a lower impact on our application if we should we decide to make changes in the database or even migrate to another database.
One way to help with abstracting Data Management is to use an Entity Framework. There are a number of frameworks commonly in use such as Microsoft EF, NHibernate/Hibernate or Toplink.  Entity Frameworks hide much of the nitty gritty SQL from the developer and allowing us to work in an object oriented fashion with persistence of data. They often provide an SQL like query language for reading data. They generate SQL under the hood, provide advanced caching of data, can provide independence from the database vendor. Common statements such as INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations are managed by the framework. However there are some drawbacks with Entity Frameworks since they can add another layer of complexity. We also hand over control of the SQL to the framework and performance can suffer if we are running  complex select statements.
Another consideration is how we are designing our data persistence. If we are designing our data persistence from our object model (or Code First) this makes working with an Entity Framework easier. However if we are designing from the database first (using a relational model) there can be difficulties, particularly if there are a large amount of relations in the model. This is a likely indicator of complex SELECT statements.
A good alternative to an Entity Framework is the MyBatis framework which provides a different method of abstracting Data Management and addresses some of the drawbacks of an Entity Framework.

What is MyBatis?

MyBatis is a framework which allows us to bind objects to SQL statements and execute these statements. In this framework the developer defines the SQL statements which are to be executed and how they are mapped to objects. This gives the developer more control over the SQL which results in more flexibility than an Entity Framework. However MyBatis does not provide SQL generation so we have to define all SQL statements. Since we define the SQL we also have control over how statements are executed and therefore we can execute complex SQL select statements fairly simply and map the results to any given object. With control over the SQL we have more control over the execution and performance.

MyBatis is available in both .NET and Java flavors.

How does MyBatis Work?

MyBatis works with an SqlSession object which manages the SQL session. This object provides the context in which we execute the SQL statements. The SqlSession is created from an XML file containing the session properties. This XML file contains mainly information regarding how to connect to the database,  and contains references to all the "mapper" XML files (these are the files containing the SQL queries).
An example session file is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration
PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN"
  <environments default="Development">
    <environment id="Development">
      <transactionManager type="JDBC" />
      <dataSource type="POOLED">
        <property name="driver" value="driver.MyDatabaseDriver" />
        <property name="url" value="jdbc:xxx://localhost;database=mydb;"/>
        <property name="username" value="myuser" />
        <property name="password" value="mypass" />
    <mapper resource="myapp/CustomerQueryMapper.xml" />

An effective way to implement this is to create your own "session factory" which manages the reading of the Session Properties XML and provides configured SqlSessions.

The SQL statements are place in "mapper" XML files where we define the type of SQL statement (insert, update, delete, select) and write the actual statement. When writing the SQL statements we can inject parameters into the statement mapped from our Java/.NET objects. Then to make things even simpler we can define an Interface containing methods which execute the queries providing the correct parameters and return values. The methods in the interface have the same names as the SQL Query identities.
So for example, if we have some queries on a database for Customer Information we can place the queries in a CustomerQueries.xml. In the XML file we can define queries which take parameters from a Customer object or even return result sets of Customer objects. We can also use other objects for parameter values or return values, there are no restrictions here.

The queries are structured via mapper namespaces and a reference to the mapper file must exist in the SqlSession. Below is a sample code from a CustomerQueries.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="example.CustomerQueryMapper">
  <select id="findCustomerNames"  parameterType="example.Customer"     
      LAND = #{land} AND
      SALES_CODE = #{salesCode}


So we can see in this example that there is a single SQL query for finding customer names ("findCustomerNames"). We bind a parameter to this query in the form of a Customer object and indicate that the query will return a set of  "string" objects. We then inject the parameters to the query using the "#{}" notation. This will insert the "land" and "salesCode" properties from the Customer class into the above query. This provides a great deal of flexibility in mapping our queries to objects.
The example above shows only a mapping on a "select" statement, but there is also support for "insert", "update" and "delete". For full details regarding how to use MyBatis please refer to the MyBatis documentation (

The Advantages and Disadvantages

Some of the advantages with MyBatis:
  • Flexibility - we can form the SQL exactly as we want and there is little restriction
  • Simple Configuration - the XML configuration is simple and easy to deploy
  • Complex Select Statement Performance - since select queries are executed directly there is no overhead for loading lots of entity objects before obtaining the result

Some of the disadvantages with MyBatis:
  • No SQL Generation - does not generate SQL like an entity framework so "inserts", "updates" and "deletes" have to be defined manually.
  • No database independence - the SQL is written by the developer specifically for the given database so migrating to another type of database is perhaps not as easy as with an Entity Framework
  • Less advanced caching - MyBatis perhaps lacks the advanced caching techniques that other Entity Frameworks possess.


MyBatis is a very useful framework which aids the persistence of data. The technology is mature and appears broadly used in industry, quoting references such as MySpace ( However it still depends on what is required from the Data Management layer. When selecting a framework I would consider the following questions:
  • Do we have complex select statements, or table relationships?
  • Are our developers comfortable with coding SQL?
  • Is the data design driven from the relational database?

If the answer to these questions are "Yes", it would be well worth considering MyBatis as a viable framework for  Data Management. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

NoUML or perhaps LowUML

Recently I attended ITARC 2013 where there was a very interesting seminar by Simon Brown regarding Software Architecture Sketches and NoUML (see his article on InfoQ). This seminar led me to further consider how we effectively communicate and visualize our architectures at both Enterprise and Solution level.

Traditionally when we were building software systems we often had a very homogeneous team of people working with the development. Often a team of technical developers and we may have worked on a basis where the architecture was driven from a technology perspective. In this respect the stakeholders in IT were often technical in nature and communication of the architecture between these stakeholders would be performed using models such as UML. This was suitable since the stakeholders often had experience of these models from their education and were familiar with the terms and concepts.

In recent years the landscape has changed. Architectures are built with the Business as a driver with a view to interlocking business and IT. The adoption of Agile also plays a part making the development process transparent and also employing skills in cross-functional teams.
The result is that we have a significant increase in stakeholders in the architecture many of whom may be non-technical and who all have different perspectives on the given Product or Enterprise. At the same time need an effective way to communicate and understand the architecture for all perspectives.

Difficulties with UML

Firstly we have to consider what we mean with "the architecture". When do we stop with an architecture and start with a design? We could spend a lot of time debating this but the following quote does a pretty good job of summarizing what "the architecture" represents.

"Architecture represents the significant design decisions that shape a system, where significant is measured by cost of change."(Grady Booch)

This is important because UML still has a place in software development when we are working with lower level abstractions since we require significantly more details in our communication. So we are still likely to produce class diagrams, sequence diagrams and other UML diagrams to help communicate complex detail. We can still use these in "the architecture" but these feel more like "designs" than architecture. This is why I prefer the term LowUML rather than NoUML.

It is perhaps the complexity and more rigid notation which makes UML a difficult tool to use when communicating and architecture at a higher level of abstraction with many stakeholders. One problem is that many stakeholders, even in the development teams, simply don't know UML and have no ambition to learn it either. Such stakeholders may be non-technical or skilled in a field which does not require knowledge of the details but does require an understanding of the architecture. This is where simpler modeling methods such as "sketching" are more useful.

Separating the Levels of Abstraction

Part of making the architecture easier to understand for different stakeholders is the separation of the levels of abstraction. This will allow stakeholders to view the architecture from at a level of detail which is easy for them to understand. Simon Brown suggests using the following levels of abstraction.

  • Context - shows IT landscape over the enterprise or for a particular solution, mainly shows systems and actors
  • Container - the high level technology choices, where containers are often execution environments such as databases, application servers or file systems
  • Component - the relationships between components where a component can be thought of as a service or logical unit exposed through a known interface.
  • Class - a description of the classes in a component adhering to object oriented principles.

The "Class" level of abstraction is a low level and in this case I would recommend continued use of UML rather than creation your own notation.

Note that these diagrams are very focused on the "structure" of the architecture and are not intended to processes or detailed behavior.

Define Your Notation 

When using sketches in an architecture we can often use a number of symbols, line styles or colours in our diagram to improve understanding.

However we can often forget to explain our notation and while the diagram may be clear to the author it may not be so clear to the stakeholders. So it is important to have a clear explanation of the notation for the stakeholders. An example notation is shown in the diagram opposite, and this notation will be used in the following diagrams.
We should keep the notation simple so it can be easily understood by the different stakeholders. If we find ourselves adding more complex notation this is a warning sign. The purpose here is to create an easy to understand communication medium, not to create our own version of UML.
When we reach the lower levels of abstraction and require need a more powerful notation we can switch over to UML diagrams. We still want to use UML but at the lower levels of abstraction.

Context Level of Abstraction

The context level of abstraction is the highest level of abstraction and shows the system landscape. This is the level we want to use with Business and Non-Technical stakeholders. We can use a context diagram to describe both the Enterprise and the Solution landscape.

In the example below we can see an Enterprise Landscape containing a number of systems we may commonly find in any Enterprise. Most of the systems in the diagram are Internal (the Enterprise maintains control of the system) and only the Credit Check system is External (perhaps provided off-site by a vendor).
Notice that in this diagram we only indicate that there are relations between the systems and actors, we do not go into detail regarding what that relation is.

If we are working with the architecture of a specific solution we can also detail the Solution Landscape. This shows a specific solution and it's associated systems/actors. This basically focuses on a section of the Enterprise Landscape. In the example below we can see the landscape for the Web Booking system.

Keeping these diagrams simple will allow to communicate a level of the architecture to many stakeholders. At the same time these diagrams do not contain details so if we are looking for technical details or more information about the relations we have to lower the level of abstraction.

Container Level of Abstraction

Containers show the high level technology selections on a per System basis. In these diagrams we are moving away from the Business/Non-Tech stakeholders towards those who have an interest in the technology. So this is the domain of the Architects, Development  Teams and Operation Teams. The following is an example of containers for the "Web Booking" solution.

We can now see the technologies that will be used in the architecture and the relation between the containers, systems and actors. At this level we may also want to detail perhaps technology protocols used in the relation, such as SOAP or SQL, these are not shown in the above diagram.

Component Level of Abstraction

At the component level we are reaching the lower levels of abstraction in the solution architecture. It is here that we start to define our logical units or services on a per Container basis. There can also be more than one level of abstraction for components and this is perhaps where it gets more difficult in knowing where to draw the line between the simple notation and a more advanced notation such as UML. At this level we are communicating to technical stakeholders often in the development team. Below is an example for the "Booking Web Server" container.

As we can see this is where we start to hang more detail on the architecture. Not only are the components specified but the relations between the Components, Containers, Systems and Actors indicate direction and we give some idea of the data that is involved in the relation.
It is important not to over complicate the diagram. If we have a component which is complex we can create a new diagram specifically for that component and decide whether it is more suitable to use a UML notation for modelling or if the simple notation is sufficient.

Keeping Things Simple

One way to try and limit the complexity in diagrams is to put a boundary on the size of the diagram. This is not always possible but a good rule is to try and keep the size of each diagram limited to fitting on a single sheet of A3 paper.

Not Only Diagrams

The diagrams are probably not sufficient on their own to describe the architecture so textual description will also be required in formal documentation. However the diagrams as working documents can be used on their own. It can also be an idea to tag "responsibilities" to Systems, Containers and Components. This can help to build a better architecture since we can easily see if we have duplicating responsibilities over Systems, Containers or Components.

Make the Architecture Visible

Architectures are often documented, but lack a high level of visibility in the organisation or team. If we want to consider the architecture we often have to look it up in some document which is archived somewhere or on a web page.
 A better approach is to ensure that the architecture is constantly visible so that stakeholders can use it as a reference point when discussing proposals or changes. This simply involves pinning up the architecture diagrams in a team room so they are constantly visible and can actively be used in discussions.


There is a need today to communicate Enterprise and Solution architectures to a broad spectrum of stakeholders. Many of these stakeholders do not have an understanding of UML, and this makes UML a difficult tool to use at higher levels of abstraction.

Using a simpler notation makes it easier to communicate the architecture and using well defined levels of abstraction allows us to target different stakeholder perspectives. This also helps us easily visualise the architecture and use it as a daily reference point for development teams.

When we reach the lower levels of abstraction, closer to design, a simple notation may not be sufficient and it is at this point we can switch to using a notation such as UML which can help describe complex designs.

Monday, April 1, 2013

How Agile do you have to be to be Agile?

Agile methods for software development are widely used in the IT industry and are in many cases accepted as the "de facto" standard for effective product development. However employing Agile in an organisation is not clear cut. Many organisations are sold Agile methods as the answer to all their problems only to find that after a good deal of investment, in both time and money, the advantages that they were promised are not being realised. So why isn't working?

The truth is that Agile is not a solution in itself, in fact Agile is a set of principles ( which can be applied to facilitate a very effective way of working.  In some cases focus is placed so heavily on using what is considered Agile methods, that we forget what we are actually trying to achieve. This is where we have to remind ourselves that our aim is actually to deliver a product to our customer on time, on budget and at the right quality.
Changing the processes in an organisation is not easy regardless of which methods you intend to implement, and we can be sure that the hardest things to change are not the processes but people.  The capability and motivation of the people in the organisation are central to success.

So how Agile do you have to be before you can call your organisation Agile?

Waterfall and Agile

Often there is a lot written about Waterfall versus Agile methods of development, however this may not be a very good comparison. The original "pure" waterfall model (Winston W Royce 1970) may be considered a static model with a "plan everything up front" method. However since the late 90s the use of iterative and incrementive models have been widespread with each iteration resembling a mini-waterfall. Even Agile still adheres to the good engineering practice of Specification, Design, Implementation and Test in a sequential order.
The real difference with Agile is that it includes aspects of the  "project/product management" domain while traditional models are more focused on the technical development process and consider the "project/product management" as a separate domain.
It is also worth considering that there is no "one size fits all" for software development. Each product and organisation has its own characteristics, capabilities and constraints. In many cases a hybrid approach may be required with an organic growth towards Agile. Performing a "big bang" change to an organisation can be costly when migrating to any new process.

Know your Business Model

When migrating to an Agile model it is very important to consider the type of business model for the product or the organisation. This has a big impact on how the Agile process will be implemented. Failure to consider the business model can result in the Agile process simply not working or a long journey of trial and error to make processes fit.
We can consider the Iron Triangle (Dr. Martin Barnes) which shows the constraints of Scope, Schedule and Resources in project management. This shows that a change in one of the constraints has an effect on the other two. So for example, a reduction in Scope may result in a shorter deadline, or an increase in resources any allow for more features . But why is this important for Agile?

If we are running a business model which allows us a lot of freedom with Scope we can run a "line based" approach. This runs rather like a production line where we have a schedule determined by sprints and scope for delivery is negotiable. The host organisation has to have a good degree of influence over these constraints. Releases of the product are frequent and contain features which can fit into the defined budget and schedule. This allows us to quickly react to change since we can determine scope at the beginning of each sprint. This is a model which suits organisations providing products to a general audience where the product is purchased perhaps on licence or subscription. The decision regarding scope lies solely within the organisation.
On the other hand if we have a business model where the scope and deadline is often fixed we would probably want to run a "project based" approach. We can still use many of the Agile principles and tools but we are required to perform more planning up front. Deliveries from sprints may be more internal in nature rather than production quality since the final production delivery is dictated by the deadline. There is a reduced ability to embrace change since the constraints are not as flexible. This is a model which appears in organisations which often work to a contract. These constraints are given in a contract between two parties and must be adhered to legally.

If we are running a business model which allows us a lot of freedom with Scope we can run a "line based" approach. This runs rather like a production line where we have a schedule determined by sprints and the scope  is negotiable. Such a host organisation has to have a good degree of influence over these constraints. Releases of the product are frequent and contain features which can fit into the defined budget and schedule. This allows us to quickly react to change since we can determine scope at the beginning of each sprint. This is a model which suits organisations providing products to a general audience where the product is purchased perhaps on licence or subscription. The decision regarding scope lies solely within the organisation.On the other hand if we have a business model where the scope and deadline is often fixed we would probably want to run a "project based" approach. We can still use many of the Agile principles and tools but we are required to perform more planning up front. Deliveries from sprints may be more internal in nature rather than production quality since the final production delivery is dictated by the project deadline. We may expect stabilising sprints during the development. There is a reduced ability to embrace change since the scope may not be flexible. This is a model which appears in organisations which often work contract based, where the constraints are given in a contract between two parties and must be adhered to legally.
Good Engineering Practice still applies

One of the principles mentioned in the Agile manifesto that is often misinterpreted is "Working software over comprehensive documentation". In some cases this can often be wrongly interpreted as "no documentation required as long as the system works".  Documentation is an essential part of ensuring that a system can be maintained effectively. Without documentation we create a situation where we are dependent on "people with key knowledge" to maintain the product. This represents a serious risk for product maintenance whether we run Agile or not.    

Concrete Principles which help Agility

Regardless of whether you are running "line based" or "project based" approaches there are a number of concrete principles which can help our organisation become more Agile. Below are some principles which can help agility.

"encourage transparency"
With an open and transparent culture, risks and opportunities are quickly identified which also means that they can be quickly addressed. Removal of a "blame" culture will help teams to be self organised since individuals will be more likely to take on responsibilities. Tools such as Burndown charts are easy to understand and clearly communicate the status of development to all stakeholders.

"deliver frequently"
The use of sprints and frequent deliveries ensure that the team is constantly working towards a short term goal and this gives focus. This allows us to regularly monitor both quality and delivery precision. If we start missing our deliveries or the quality of the deliveries are not up to standard this becomes apparent very quickly. We can then make adjustments and monitor the effect in the next sprints.

"commitment to deliver"
In order to successfully make frequent deliveries the there has to be a commitment to deliver from everyone involved. To gain this commitment everyone has to be involved in the planning process. If the whole team are involved in defining the scope and time estimates, there will be more commitment to deliver. Even at company leading levels there have to be clear overall goals and realistic plans. If the requirement on the team is unrealistic the team will lose their commitment since they feel there is no realistic chance of success.

"do only a few tasks at one time"
Getting a working release (internal or production quality) completed is very important. It is at this point we can really test and evaluate the progress of development. In order to get working releases we need to make sure we complete the tasks we are working on and this is why it is much more advantageous to have a few tasks fully completed rather than a large amount of tasks only half completed. A half completed task adds no value and hinders the delivery of a release.

"cut waste, continually improve"
In order to be Agile we have to continually ask ourselves what is adding value to our product and how we can improve.  This is a continual process of fine tuning and keeps the development process aligned with the business. A good way to consider this is to think about which tasks add value to the product and which tasks do not add value to the product. Then consider if we can reduce the amount of time we spend on the "non-value added" tasks.

Practical implementation of an Agile Process

Agile can sound very easy to implement until you start to apply it to the organisation. Like any change in process there are likely to be problems and challenges since no single product or organisation is exactly the same. Each organisation has its own set of capabilities and legacy processes. The degree of change to be made has to be balanced with the required investment and long term gains.
It is important to give the change in process time to settle but at the same time if something is clearly not working take action. How well the Agile process fits is often related to the type of business model the organisation has. Below are some issues an organisation may face in a migration to Agile.

"owning the product"
The Product Owner is a key role in Agile and controls the starting point of the process. It is very important to ensure that product ownership works well. The Product Owner specifies the requirements and maintains the backlog. In order to gain a long term view of investment it is also wise to ensure that the Product Owner is responsible for maintaining "wide estimates" on the backlog. Just like any other development process if we get the requirements wrong we will be looking at expensive changes.

"up front planning"
The amount of planning we need to perform up front is related to the flexibility of our project constraints. The tighter the constraints the more planning will be required. Even where we are running a "project based" model and have a large project, we can attempt to reduce detailed planning by dividing the project into phases with a release per phase.

"time estimation"
To be Agile we want to be able to estimate time quickly and re-evaluate our accuracy after each sprint. We can use techniques such as planning poker and we can estimate time in story points or just hours. One difficulty for a team here is intrusions during a sprint which draw hours from the original estimate, this is in some organisations unavoidable . A simple approach to account for this is to estimate a productivity percentage for each sprint. So of we have a team with 500 hours available and a productivity of 50% we will be able to assign 250 hours of tasks to the sprint. At the end of each sprint we can check the outcome and adjust the productivity percentage accordingly.

"what is in and out of the sprints"
Another area which can be difficult to establish is what kind of tasks to we include in the sprints and what kind of tasks lie outside the sprints. We want tasks within our sprints to be determinable so we can assign accurate estimates. Requirements and analysis work in its nature can be difficult to determine, therefore these often lie outside the sprint. Design at a high level of abstraction may also lie outside the sprint with design regarding specific requirements being placed in the sprint. Implementation work and unit testing lies within the sprint. However "integration and regression testing" may lie in or outside the sprint depending on our business model and automated testing support.

"testing and stabilisation"
In a "line based" model we will be expecting to turn out production releases at a high frequency with the benefit being "time to market" for the product.  However for this to have a realistic chance of success a high degree of automated test is required since "integration and regression testing" has to be performed in a very short space of time. This may require investment in more advanced testing tools and frameworks.
In a "project based" model delivery to production may be more long term. In this case while automated testing is still favoured, it can be complimented with "stabilisation sprints" where "integration and regression testing" can be performed manually.

"don't be afraid to try"
Don't be afraid to try things that are perhaps not considered fully Agile. Remember that what we are aiming for is a process which helps our organisation get our product to market, on time, at the right quality and on budget. In many cases a "hybrid" Agile process allows the organisation to reduce the impact of change and can allow the process to grow organically with the organisation.


Agile is without a doubt a great platform upon which to base product development but in order to have an Agile process working well in practice the host organisation has to understand its own capabilities, and its business model. All organisations and products are different in nature and there is no "one size fits all", it is likely that the Agile process will require some degree of adaption if it is to be effective and avoid large initial investments. There are a number of concrete principles mentioned previously which can help get the Agile process moving. However the starting point for developing an Agile organisation is to buy into the principles and have your organisation buy into these principles. This provides the foundation for an organisation to be Agile.